Wednesday, December 11, 2013


winter, lost
stomach aches
twisted in knots
a fear and
depression inside
not wanting to
get out of bed
the boring time
short days of light
early darkness
cold, snow
only wanting to watch television

to be alone
rot away
from the inside


december winter night
pouring rain
heavy winds blow,
howling creepy
like out of a horror film
power out
candle light fills the apartment
lay in bed,
eyes closed with headphones on
listening to the musique
Rich's country mix
songs of the ramblin' man fever
the lonesome open country road
Hank Sr., Haggard, Cash,
Waylon, Those Poor Bastards,
Hank Jr., and others
drift off, half asleep
remember sunny summer
southern ohio days
the sleezy crew
Oldman Mattch, Rich,
Darrin, Billy,
there were others as well
sit in Rich and Darrin's
musty apartment
two stories above main street
drinking beer,
shots of whiskey and
smoking pot
camping at skatopia
in an old worn tent
campfires and beer
burning a van
swimming at rockmill
oh those longed for
haunting ohio memories
wishing to be there again
in that time
with my good old
country boys
long missed,
but never forgotten

Lazy Sundays

three years worth of sundays,
every sunday
from late mornings
to sunset evenings
old friends
and new
our own church of skatin'
cruise fast,
sometimes with a
can of beer in hand
grill outs
coolers filled with
cold beer
smoking grass
an old boombox
to supply a soundtrack
blasting it all
hip-hop, reggae,
punk, metal,
and country
photos taken
stories shared
pure freedom
carefree days