Tuesday, December 9, 2014


on those days
when I take the bus
to work
from son
through hølen
to vestby
the best
travelling musique
through the headphones
for the ears to hear
waylon jennings
the soundtrack to almost famous

Autumn (The Same Old Bullshit, Never Ending) Pt.II

another word to call it -
the Fall
yes, the Fall
falling apart
when things fall apart
not the fourth album
from the Roots
yet my life
the weather
these weeks
gray, overcast and foggy
like my mind
fitting the mood
drowning in thoughts,
stress and anxiety
gone -
far too lost
loss of time
time -
slipping away fast
life wasting away
wasting away the Gods
given creative talents
into nothing

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Autumn (The Same Old Bullshit, Never Ending)

the Fall
thirty-one days
four and a half weeks
a month
the days just seem
to bleed together now
time is passing by fast
is really happening
boring times
it's been
all the same
old routine
in second gear
thinking, thinking,
and re-thinking
writing, writing,
and re-writing
a month's worth
of thoughts
twenty-seven and a half pages
it all seems
stress, worry,
anxiety, and sickness
life -
it feels
like it's all
piling on at once
too much
to take on.
one birthday gone by
and another to come
the ending
of thirties
passing a four year anniversary
ending of a job
weeks of
cold, dreary overcast,
fog, and rain
the early days
of darkness
are coming now
with only
a weekend holiday
to Vilnius
to look forward to.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Ending of the Thirties. (The Last Year)

my thirty-ninth born day
the last year
end of my thirties
an october saturday
and I was born on a saturday,
in the morning
it was typical norsk autumn
cold, gray overcast,
heavy fog and rain
next year -
the four-zero.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Just Another One of Those Poems.

autumn october sunday
it was a rainy morning
the air outside was chilly
in the afternoon
the sun tried to show,
fighting to shine
from behind
the clouded overcast
with patches of crisp
clean blue sky
the ipod played on shuffle
I stayed sober
drinking only water
eating cheese filled
green olives and peppers
sitting at the vintage writing desk
writing thoughts
the last year of my thirties
losing another job
with the balcony door open
that crisp cool autumn
october air
I stood
in the balcony doorway
looking out
over the quiet street
of lökkeveien
and the wooden houses
of Son - a small seaside village


indian summer friday
late september
a warm day
with clear blue sky
the swedish countryside
small towns of
Töreboda, Mariestad,
and Tidan
me and my cousin
high on christiana tea
ancient world,
centuries old
viking stones
with runic carvings
driving the two lane
country highway of the 202

Monday, August 18, 2014


a mid-august saturday
skåne, southern sweden
drunk on
beer, cava, and whiskey
a four and a half kilometer hike
through the woods
along over grown trails and
narrow dirt roads
out to small country roads,
dirt and paved
walking by old farm houses and barns,
wheat fields and pastures
stopping briefly to pet cows and horses
the sky was clouded gray, overcast
with slight drizzles of rain
- not long lasting
the wind blew strong
a chilly late afternoon
on the way to
an old world school house
for a dinner with family and friends

Thursday, June 12, 2014


a summer wednesday night, late
in june
the sun still shined
just barely fading
drinking white wine
eating wasa crisp bread
with butter and cheese,
seasoned with herb salt
and red beet salad and
green olives
writing thoughts


a spring sunday - may
sunny but with chilled winds
kind of a cold day
driving around alone, aimlessly
the small norwegian towns of
son, moss, and vestby
scouting for street skate spots
yet no skating being done
just driving to nowhere
a sad lonely day


did I ever
leave Ohio

Sunday, April 6, 2014


the lone tormented soul
of an artist:
skateboarder, photographer, writer.


friday, april spring
the park at Risil
clear blue sky with
sun shining
chilly - cool breezes
barren leafless trees
kids play in the schoolyard
the skatepark is empty


depressed on skateboarding
once again,
spring time is coming on
overcasted, cold gray,
rainy days
still linger on
the clear, blue sky
warmer, yet still with cool breeze
don't last for long
skating is becoming a
mere dream
pining now
for those long gone
warm Florida
nights and days
cruising the downtown
city streets with Millz,
my cruising partner
I need to stop dreaming.
I need to get my faith back.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rediscovered Writings. Book I (1998-2001)

I sit and stare
as raindrops run down the windows
the cars outside
go by as faded memories
I once wrote that things,
life and people,
are funny to me...
it's odd sometimes
wandering around
getting lost in your own thoughts
trying to figure out life
purpose of existence
and what it amounts to
does it amount to anything worth while?


it's dark outside
I can barely see the cars driving by
- only making them out by their headlights
thunder rumbles off in the distance
as flashes of lightning flicker
and brighten the sky for a matter of seconds
the raindrops fall hard
and break the calmness of the sitting puddles
just as the customers in the store
breaks the calmness of me
the customers leave
and the distant thunder rumbles on
along with some smooth sounds
of Acid Jazz/Hip-Hop
bringing me back
to a settled calm state
taking the lyrics in
and sitting beside my thoughts
the calmness gets broken up a bit
by a couple of raindrops (customers)
but easily returns shortly
so I just sit
with my thoughts
staring out at the puddles
beaten by raindrops
as the cars pass.


nag champa is the scent
and the doors is the sound
the setting is the sanctuary of my bedroom
and as per usual
it's a routine situation.


I have so much in my head right now
thoughts have been running wild
but my laziness took control a while ago.


yet another day
pretty much completely wasted away
by me laying in my bed
locked in this dungeon of my room.


fear of boredom
fucking no motivation for anything
just going through the motions
that rat bastard.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Broke, Broken.

a new year began
the days were just the same
as the old of the year before
heavy sad feelings of anxiety
with stomach pains
still lingered on
insomnia - sleepless nights
stress and worry.
a january tuesday
dismal - gray, cold, rain
a drive alone to sweden,
on the E6 south
not made
broken down car
stranded in Råde Norway
to sit on a couch
at a mechanic shop,
drinking coffee
and reading
the book read -
Patti Smith's Just Kids.
for a ride from a friend
wanting, with hope
for things to just get better