Sunday, August 19, 2012

[Jan. 14, '09]

yellow low heavy and big
three quarter
the moon on this cold january wednesday night
right kind of moon one would suspect on a night like
this one
the kind of night for a campfire and bluegrass show
that doesn't happen.

1 comment:

  1. Originally penned Winter - January 2009, in Florida. My friend Matt in Ohio from the Sleezy Skates crew called me up and told me that the Bluegrass band Black Death Allstars was going to be playing a show at this organic farm out in Tampa, near the airport. The show never happened, they never showed up. Yet, I ended up hanging out at the campfire, drinking some beers with some kids who remembered me from when I worked at the Skatepark of Tampa. I also ran into an old friend, Michelle, who I had not seen in quite some years, and some other random kid was telling a story of how he hitch-hiked from Tampa to New York, only to spend some hours - not even a full day in New York, meeting up with some random herion addict girl, and they went off on a journey to score some herion, he said it was his first time in New York and his first time shooting up herion. They hitch-hiked back to Tampa, and the addict girl was then couch surfing on his couch at his apartment with him and his room mates. She had been there for a week or so. He and his room mates were sick of her yet she wouldn't leave. From journal book number Two.
